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Payments Industry Insights:

Customers Want To Pay their Loans With Debit Cards According to Capital One Bank

Customer demands lead Capital One to explore adding debit cards as a payment option; they reported 1 in 8 pay-by-phone customers inquired about paying with a debit card. Telling customers they could not use a debit card created a poor customer experience. 

The bank identified three customer segments that had high demands for debit card payment processing:

  1. Unbanked - subprime credit card customers who did not have a checking account, but did have a prepaid debit card to pay their bill.

  2. Collections - customers who had previously been through the collections process with the bank, where Capital One did accept debit cards, now wanted to pay their bill on time using a debit card.

  3. No Checks - customers without access to their checkbook trying to make their first payment. Often customers would be at work calling to pay and did not have their checkbook.

MasterCard Interchange Rate Schedule - Updated April 2019

MasterCard usually updates their Interchange rates and fees schedule during April and October of each year. Click here to download the latest version.

VISA Interchange Rate Schedule - Updated April 2019

VISA usually updates their Interchange rates and fee schedule during April and October of each year. Click here to download the latest version.

VISA Rolls Out New Chargeback Dispute Management Solution

With the number of disputes rising, and processing time & costs increasing, VISA rolls out the new VISA Claims Resolution (VCR) initiative.
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