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With more than 30 years of experience reducing the cost of card acceptance for businesses around the world, Payments Advisory Services is a trusted partner for both lenders and retailers.

Contact us today for a no-cost savings analysis!


What does Active Interchange Management cost?

Our fee is performance-based and is a percentage of your actual savings for the 12 month period following full deployment of our solution(s). Our fee is calculated monthly and based on the actual savings that you realized during the previous month.


What are your up-front and minimum fees?

We do not charge any up-front fees or minimum fees. Our only fee is a percentage of your new-found savings.

What other costs might I incur?

There should be no capital expenditures on your part. New hardware or software are not required. Depending on your systems and/or card processor, integration costs may occur.

Are you affiliated with any bank or processor?

No. This is very important, since independence allows us to focus exclusively on reducing your cost of card acceptance!


Will I need to change card processors?

No! Since our focus is on Interchange (your largest cost) there is no requirement to change processors. Most top tier processors are compatible with our solutions.

Why should I choose Payments Advisory Services?

Choose us for our knowledge, experience and proven track record of success. We have effectively reduced costs for large and small companies around the world and will work to maximize your savings.

Are your services and my savings guaranteed?

Our Interchange Optimization services are guaranteed in writing: If we don't reduce your card acceptance costs, you owe us nothing.

How do I get started?

Contact us at our Atlanta or New York office and we will:

  • Execute a mutual non-disclosure agreement;

  • Request copies of your merchant processing statements from the last few months;

  • Analyze those statements to determine how our solutions can reduce your card acceptance costs; and

  • Present our findings and your potential savings.


You will owe us nothing if we cannot reduce your costs.

Atlanta Office:

eMail John Jones at or call (678) 576-7263


eMail Gary Hart at or call (678) 756-6818

New York Office:

eMail Mike Caruana at or call (716) 741-2463 

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